
Dave Pearson Autobiography


Dave Pearson’s autobiography

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  • Get FREE Pearson® Easy Jumper Jump Cue when purchasing any Pearson® Elite Series, Pearson® Pro, Pearson® by Jacoby, Pearson® World Record Series, Carbon Clear® Fiber Cue!!!
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Outstanding Features

Our brand has various items with new materials and designs to improve your game. Pearson® Cues has come a long way and is in the hands of millions of players, which is truly humbling. But, coming from a blue-collar background, Dave has kept the pricing affordable for you to own something special and take your game to a higher level. Pearson® Cues makes it easy to customize your Pearson® cue to your specific needs using pool cue accessories. Dave's autobiography will give you a true insight into the leaps and bounds Dave has made in his life. Dave has not held back with his feelings, his emotions from street life, nor entertaining millions around the world in this page-turner.
