

June 20, 2023


10 mins read

What Are 15 Ball Pool Rules? 2024 Explanation

15 ball pool is an American pocket billiards game, also known as pool cues game, originating in the nineteenth century. The rules of the game are more complicated than other standard pool ball games, such as a straight pool

In this article, you will explore what 15 pool ball is, following some rules of pool 15 ball and pool scratch rules.

What Is 15 Ball?

What Is 15 Ball?

8-ball, 9-ball, or 15-ball pool was created in America in the nineteenth century from the pyramid pool. The ancestor considers this game is one of the oldest American pool games and was built by members of Basford’s Billiard & Chess Rooms in Manhattan in the late 1830s or early 1840s.

In this game, shooters play for points, and scratches make for a dramatic turn of the tables. The game is also called the 61-play pool for the number of points determining game winners.

15 Ball Pool Rules

1. Objective And Number Of Players

Players in a 15-ball game must deliberately increase their score by shooting balls at the table and accumulating points until a person or group reaches the target score.

You can play 15 pool balls with two players or teams. Each player takes turns to play after the other one fails to score.

2. Balls Used

When learning how to play pool, players use 15 ball pools on a six-pocket table with a standard set of balls. The set includes a white cue ball and fifteen numbered and colored balls.

Although we use a standard set of multi-color solids-and-stripes play pool now, the object balls used to be uniformly red during the game’s heyday in the 1870s and 1880s.

Balls Used

3. The Rack

Players organize balls in a regular triangle rack. They stack the 15th pool ball at the front point of the triangle, along with the other 14 object balls together (the numbered balls). 

Unlike eight-ball, the arrangement of the numbers, solids, and stripes within the triangle does not matter. However, the higher-numbered balls should be in front of the rack to make pocketing the 1-ball on the break shot more challenging. 

4. Shooting And Scoring

In 15 ball pool, the shooter must pocket a ball on every shot. Turns change after each shot, whether you make it or not.

Shooting and scoring

Legally pocketed object balls have the same point values as their number. The game ends if one player or a team makes it impossible for their opponents to catch up with their total points.

The standard score for winning is 61. When two or more players simultaneously get the highest point total, the person who pockets the final ball wins.

5. Opening Break 

To count the initial break, the starting player must:

  • Pocket a ball
  • Make the cue ball touch an object ball then the cue ball and two other object balls must touch the cushion.

If the first player fails to complete either of the two above, the next player has three alternatives for their turn:

  • Continue shooting the balls in the current position on the table
  • Re-rack the balls and shoot the opening break
  • Require the first player to repeat the shot

6. Fouls


When the cue ball lands in a pocket, it is called a scratch or foul. In this case, any balls pocketed during the scratch will be removed and put back on the table, called “spotted.” Players then place back the spotted balls on the table as close to the foot spot as possible without disturbing other balls.

The pool scratch rules happen when for each foul committed, an offender loses three points as punishment. After fouls, the next player accepts the “table in position,” meaning the balls are still where the previous player left them except for a jump or cue ball scratch.

Learn more about the rules of the game 8 ball pool.

Now you have figured out the rules of 15 balls. Hopefully, this article has given you a complete guide to start and enjoy this game with your friends.

If you are looking for the best pool cues to start playing this game, check out Pearson Cues products at https://pearsoncues.com/

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Rules Of 15 Ball Pools?

When players pocket a ball with a legal shot, they receive points and keep playing. To be the game-winner, a player must be the first to score at least 61 points, more than half the sum of all the ball numbers. If there are more than two players, the one with the highest score wins the game after all the pocketed balls.

How Do You Play 15 Ball?

How Do You Play 15 Balls?

This is how to play 15 pool ball:

1. Rack all 15 pool balls into a triangle. The 1 number must be at the top and the 15 in the middle, while other balls can randomly place.

2. Each player or team takes turns shooting the balls and takes the score counted by their pocketed balls and fouls. You need to follow the pool scratch rules in counting scores.

3. The player that first scores 61 is the winner.

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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