

May 19, 2022


10 mins read

How Much Room Do You Need For A Pool Table? Pool Table Room Dimensions

Popular pool table room size chart

It is not easy to determine what size room your pool table is right away. You will need time to measure and consider all the surrounding factors. However, you can quickly check the pool table size chart below for your references to get the first ideas:

Pool table size

Pool cue length

Min room size

6ft (playing surface: 33’’x 66’’)





7ft (playing surface:38’’x76’’)







8ft (playing surface:44’’x88’’)







8ft oversized (playing surface: 46’’x92’’)







9ft (playing surface:50’’x100’’)







5 Typical Pool Table Dimensions

An ideal size room for a pool table can vary. Here are some typical pool table dimensions that beginners should know:

British Pool Tables

  • British 6ft (183cm x 183cm). It is a popular choice for home game rooms due to its compact size. It’s also found in some pubs and clubs where space might be limited. While smaller, it still allows for a good game of eight-ball or casual matches.
  • The British 7ft (213cm x 122cm) is considered the “full-size” eight-ball table in Britain and is commonly used in leagues and tournaments. Compared to the American 7ft, it has slightly different proportions and offers a narrower playing surface.

The British 7ft (213cm x 122cm)

American Pool Tables

  • American 7ft (213cm x 107cm) is the smallest American table size. While slightly larger than the British 7ft due to its wider body, it still offers a smaller playing surface than other American options.
  • American 8ft (244cm x 119cm) is the most popular size for home use in the US and is also widely found in bars and pool halls. It balances size and playability well, making it ideal for casual and more serious games.
  • American 9ft (274cm x 137cm) is the regulation size for professional tournaments in the US. Nicknamed the “full-size” American table, it’s the largest and most imposing option. It provides the most space for strategic play and replicates the conditions experienced by professional players.

American 9ft (274cm x 137cm)

What Is An Optimal Pool Room?

The optimal pool table room size depends on two main factors:

  1. Pool Table Size: Your table size will dictate the minimum space needed for comfortable gameplay.
  2. Desired Level of Comfort: Everyone prefers how much space they like around the table while playing.

Minimum Room Size

A rough rule of thumb is to add 5 feet to the width and length of the chosen pool table. For example, an 8ft x 4ft table would require a minimum room size of roughly 18ft x 14ft (8+5+5 = 18 & 4+5+5 = 14).

Here’s a table outlining minimum room sizes based on standard cue length (around 58 inches):


Pool Table Size (ft)

Minimum Room Size (ft)

Minimum Room Size (meters)

7 (British or American)

13 x 16

4 x 4.9

8 (American)

13.6 x 17

4.2 x 5.2

8.5 (American – Oversized)

13.6 x 17.6

4.2 x 5.3

9 (American)

14 x 18

4.3 x 5.5

10 (American)

15 x 19

4.6 x 5.8

Optimal Room Size for Comfort

Optimal Room Size for Comfort

The minimum room size for pool table above ensures you can squeeze in a game, but for a truly comfortable experience, consider adding more space:

Ideally, you’d want to have around 5 feet of clearance around the table. This allows for smooth cue movement without feeling cramped. So, for an 8-foot table, an ideal room would be closer to 23 feet x 19 feet (8+5+5 = 18 & 4+5+5 = 14).

Serious players might prefer even more space, especially for advanced shots requiring more cue movement.

How To Calculate The Space You Need?

Follow the steps below to accurately calculate the minimum room size you need for your table and cue.

  • Step 1: Measure the length of the pool cue you will use and double it. A standard 57-inch cue is 145cm long, so when doubled, this measures 290cm.
  • Step 2: Measure the playfield width from the inside edges of each cushion. In the case of our table below, the playfield width is 82cm.
  • Step 3: Add the total playfield width (82cm) to the double cue length measurement (290cm) to create a final figure (372cm). This is the total minimum room width you need.
  • Step 3: Repeat the exercise with the playfield length (again, measuring from cushion to cushion). In our case, the playfield length is 160cm, so when added to the 290cm combined cue measurement, this gives you a length of 450cm.
  • Step 4: Your final results are the minimum room dimensions you’ll need to play your chosen table with your chosen cue.

How To Calculate The Space You Need?

See more: How To Measure a Pool Table?


Is it possible to fit a pool table in a 12’x12’ room?

It depends. Pool tables are available in a variety of conventional sizes, but the average home table is 8 feet long. Given that a pool cue is 58 inches long, players won’t have much room to walk around and shoot without hitting a wall. This indicates that a 12 by 12-foot area is insufficient for a conventional home pool table. On the other hand, if you use a small 6ft pool table with a 42’’ pool cue, it may be ok but not comfortable. You should make your calculation based on the suggested steps to get the exact room size you need

Can you put a pool table in a carpeted room?

It is ok to put a pool table in a carpeted room. However, for a pool table and its players, hardwood floors are ideal. You will have to clean and adjust the carpet regularly. Rugs, on the other hand, are ideal for pool tables because they protect the floor from traffic, bumps, dropped balls, and other mishaps.

What are other factors affecting your room size calculation?

You may wonder how much room you need for a pool table if many people are playing. In this case, you have to increase your room size or reduce the table size to have enough space for all the people. Besides, you also have to leave some space to put some comfortable chairs for people while they are waiting for their turns.

What Is The Best Pool Table Size?

Generally speaking, eight-foot tables are considered ‘professional’ size, whereas seven-foot tables are considered ‘bar’ size. If you have the space, we suggest the larger size. It generally offers a better playing experience. However, a seven-foot table can be an ideal addition to a smaller room.


In short, how much room do you need for a pool table? It depends, just like so many other things. The size of the table you desire, the lengths of your cues, the number of players you want to play with, and your overall space. You may calculate the room size required for your pool table by following all of the specified steps. Besides, you can also seek some references from trustable size charts with minimum room size as above or even professional consultations if necessary. 

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Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

Mask group 5 compress compress

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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