

March 12, 2022


10 mins read

How To Break In Pool? 5 Pool Break Tips For Beginners

Breaking a rack is an essential part of Playing pool game since it can set the tone for the rest of the game. It appears simple, but it is difficult to master because you must consider many different elements such as ball position, hand with body position, targeting, and so on. You might be wondering if there’s a formula for the best Pool break or what the best Pool breaking techniques are. This article will assist you in answering all of your questions. You’ll learn how to break in Pool and get some helpful Pool break tips for beginners.

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All the Pool break techniques come from the way you handle your hand and body position, the way you arrange the ball’s position, and how you aim and shoot.

Balls Position

Balls position

To begin, you have to arrange the balls’ position by making a rack. To ensure a good Pool break, double-check that the 15 balls are properly racked and that they are all in contact with one another.  Even a slight space between two balls can wreck your strategy by reducing the force of impact. In addition, place the eight-ball in the middle of the rack. In one corner, place a solid ball, and in the other corner, place a striped ball. 

Your cue ball can be placed anywhere within the break box (generally indicated by a line). It’s better not to put the ball in the middle of the head string exactly opposite the head ball in the rack since the Pool table will be more worn down in this location and you won’t get a decent shot. If you place the cue ball to one side, the force of the hit will be distributed unevenly, allowing the balls to spread out smoothly. Keep in mind that if you hit the head ball straight on, you risk losing control of your cue ball.

Hand, Body Position and Distance

Hand and body position
  • Body position: Get into a position that makes you feel at ease. We recommend putting one foot in front of the other in line with your Pool cue for more precision. You will be more stable in a wider position. Bend your knees and get your chin near your Pool cue.
  • Hand position: In order to form your hand position with the closed bridge technique, you just need to place the Pool cue between your thumb and index finger in the center. Your index finger should be curled around the cue. Then, with your thumb, make a circle around the shaft with your index finger. To gain more stability, spread your fingers wider.
  • Distance: Make sure the distance between you and the target isn’t too big, as this may influence your accuracy. Between your bridge and the cue ball, a distance of 25 to 30 cm is the “optimal” distance. This is larger than for a standard shot, allowing you to break from a wider range of angles. We recommend experimenting with different distances until you discover one that suits you.



This step also has a great influence on the Pool break result. You have to hold the end of the Pool stick for a wider movement and make sure you have a firm grip. Aim slightly below the ball’s center, so it doesn’t roll back too far towards you once it makes contact. Besides, it is always better for the player if the balls return to the table’s center as much as possible after the break, so you have as many possibilities for your first shot. Therefore, take a brief look at your cue ball and the head ball (the one at the top of the triangle) as you prepare to take your shot (when you’ll move your hand back and forth in a few warm-up strokes), and then aim your shot at the head ball.



Start with three back-and-forth movements to warm up your stroke before shooting! As soon as your arm reaches a vertical position, the tip should make contact with the cue ball. Lift your body as you take your shot to boost the power of the cue ball and the impact with the other balls.

5 Best Ways To Break In Pool

5 Best Ways To Break In Pool

1. Make sure the balls are racked tightly

Take your favorite rack and attempt to freeze as many balls as possible to one another. The rack may not have been perfectly tight if a huge cluster of balls remains together after your break. If you’re playing at a facility that has mismatched balls, consider putting the odd ones in the back row.

2. Break Straight

There are many ways to position your cue balls as long as it is put within the Break Box. However, it is not easy for a beginner to put the ball wherever they want because it is really difficult to manage without experience. We recommend hitting the front of the head ball straight on with your cue ball’s position at the center on the head string. When breaking the rack, it’s ideal to keep it simple so you’re not tilted and your cue ball isn’t going in multiple directions. Other tactics include moving your cue ball to different locations, but it’s recommended to start modestly to improve your break.

3. Stand up a little bit higher

Allow your arm to follow through a little further by standing a little higher. Before increasing your speed or involving your full weight, focus on improving your accuracy. Our bodies can sometimes prevent us from continuing. This problem can be mitigated by standing up a little bit higher. Maintain a flowing and loose posture.

4. Time and accuracy always beat power

It’s better to make a square touch with the rack than it is to hit the balls as hard as you can. Make modifications if necessary because the optimum break moves the cue ball very slightly after impact and explodes the racked balls. Aim a little lower on the cue ball if the cue ball is moving forward after you make contact with the rack. Aim more to the left of the head ball if it’s heading to the right.

5. Choose your break spot

Choose a breakpoint and aim from the cue ball to the head ball’s center. If you’re breaking from dead center, you’ll want to aim for the head ball’s center. When you aim from the side, your contact point changes to the side as well. To identify your contact point, draw a line from the center of the cue ball to the center of the head ball.


Read also: Break in a 9-ball Pool game


In summary, breaking in billiards is a significant stage of the whole game. It contains several techniques and recommendations that have been compiled by many well-known players, such as Thorsten Hohmann or Pearson,… and which you may quickly study and master. If Pool playing is your passion, start to learn how to break in Pool and experiment as much as possible to find your unique approach to accomplish the finest shot.

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Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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