

December 1, 2022


10 mins read

How To Store Pool Cues In A Case? 3-Step Guide To Pool Cue Maintenance

A case is the best pool accessory to protect pool cues from warping and other damages. However, not everyone knows how to store pool cue in case properly. Pearson Cues will give you the ultimate guide about tips and steps to store a perfect case.

4 Tips to Store Pool Cues

4 Tips to Store Pool Cues

Pool sticks are easily warping if you don’t store them properly

It is simple to keep your pool cues straight, smooth and long-lasting. But you must be meticulous about choosing, storing the cue, and taking care of the case. There are some basics that help you store it easily:

  • Prioritize purchasing 2-part sticks: A joint in the middle makes it very convenient to divide into 2 parts to bring along and maintain.
  • Take joint protectors: this a must-have accessory for any pool cue. The case can protect the butts, and shafts except for the joint. A joint protector will prevent the joint from friction and harmful impact.
  • Clean or burnish your pool cue before storing and after every few matches. So that, you not only preserve the function of the cue but also keep the case clean.
  • Choose the best case: Take a high-quality pool cue case and it will be like armor to prevent environmental factors as well as external forces.

3 Steps To Maintain Pool Cue In A Case

Step 1: Choose Your Best Fit Pool Cue Case

Choose Your Best Fit Pool Cue Case

The two most popular pool stick cases

There are two options for you: hard cases and soft cases. So, which one should you choose? 

Hard cases

Pool cue hard cases have a non-distorted shape under any circumstances. The materials and design bring the differences:

  • Exterior: often made from high-quality plastic such as PVC, polypropylene, etc. 
  • Interior: designed with specified rooms for butt, shaft, and other pool cue accessories. These rooms are covered by foam, silk, or other moisture-wicking materials.

A hard case gives perfect protection because it minimizes the pressure on your shafts and butts. It helps to store three butts and seven shafts or more for a long time. 

However, its size and weight seem to cause inconvenience when traveling, especially taking on airplanes. Besides, the prices are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them.

With the above features, it is more suitable for professional pool players. Hard cases will keep their cues always functional as they wish. The more advanced version of a hard case is a box case. They have a very high-class, professional look and offer exceptional features.

Soft cases

Soft cases

Soft pool cue cases are cheaper and lighter

As its name suggests, soft cases are floppier and easier to dump and stain. The exterior is cloth or synthetic leather, etc. Unlike hard cases, there is often no room for stick accessories.

The pros of soft cases are affordable and easy to bring along. It is lighter (just 2 pounds) and cheaper than a hard one. On the other hand, protection ability is not as good as other cases. Moisture, temperature, and physical impacts can make your cues moldy, denting, and warped.

A soft case is the best choice for beginners or short-term storage needs. It will be better to start in a simple way.

Step 2: Put a Cue in Case

Put a Cue in Case

Put the stick in the case properly

You should:

  • Separate the cues into many parts if they are 2-part or 3-part, etc. Make sure that your case dimensions fit your sticks.
  • Slide them in with the bumpers pointed down, joints, or tips at the top of the case. Thanks to that, not only fuzz and chalk cannot dirty your case but also joints and tips are not damaged.
  • Place the accessories in their respective rooms.

Pool cues storage tips: Notice to wear protectors for joints and tips. It just takes you a few seconds to practice. 

Step 3: Store Your Case

Where and how you place your case also plays an important role in pool cue maintenance.

How to put your case? (The position)

Store Your Case

Put your case horizontally or vertically

Remember to lay the case down flat. When skewing or uprighting, pressure may make it easy to shift, slide, or bump around inside. Besides, it is not encouraged to lean them on walls because unnecessary side pressure against the wood grain can make the cue break.

You can store pool sticks with cases horizontally and vertically, except for angling. In conclusion, put your case 6 inches away from the way. The ideal surfaces are shelves, tables, or desktops. 

Where to place your case?

Humid and high or low-temperature environments are the most terrible threats to your case. They can quickly rot the case and damage the cues inside. 

You should avoid the trunk of cars, garages, attics, basements, etc. Remember to place your case in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight and high temperature. If you live in a high-humidity environment, it is better to equip a dehumidifier.

The best quality pool cue cases for you

The best quality pool cue cases for you

Pearson Cues Cases for both starters and professionals

Do you love a high-quality and handy pool cue case with a reasonable cost? Pearson Cues offers you the most stylish, portable, and high-class cases for $149 to $249. 

  • The first edition stores 2 Butts and 2 Shafts. Its mobility helps you to travel around the world easily.
  • The second edition stores 3 Butts and 5 Shafts. You can carry it by hand or use it as a backpack.

Each one has specific rooms for pool cue accessories. They become even more impressive with the World Record logo.

In conclusion, there are many types of pool cue cases for you. To choose the best one, it is better to know what you will use it for. Then, you can easily know “how to store pool cue in case”. And don’t forget to check out the Pearson Cues cases to store your cues!

Mask group 5 compress compress

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

Mask group 5 compress compress

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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