

June 20, 2023


10 mins read

The Ultimate Guide To 8 Ball Pool Rules In 2024

Key Takeaways

  • The objective of an 8-ball pool is to pocket all your assigned balls (either solids or stripes) and then legally pocket the 8-ball to win the game.

  • Players require a standard pool table, a full set of 16 balls, cues, and chalk.

  • The game starts with a break shot and players alternate turns. Winning occurs by legally pocketing the 8 balls after clearing all assigned object balls.

What Is A 8-Ball?

8 ball is the most commonly played pool variant and is frequently synonymous with “pool.” While the game rules of 8 ball pool can vary, usually because of regional differences, it remains the second most popular game in professional pool circles, coming in after nine-ball but consistently outperforming straight pool over the past few decades.

What Is A 8-Ball

8 Ball Pool Rules

Game Objective

The primary objective in the 8 ball pool is to strategically pocket all assigned balls, either solids (low balls numbered 1-7) or stripes (high balls numbered 9-15), and then legally pot the 8 ball to secure victory. Matches often consist of multiple games, with a “best out of” format determining the overall winner. 

To succeed in this popular game, players must employ offensive and defensive techniques and tactical acumen to outmaneuver their opponents and win the match.

Game Objective

Players and Equipment

In pool rules, to play pool correctly, players need to prepare the following equipment:

  • Table: Pool tables typically measure around 9 feet by 4.5 feet, but players can play this game on tables of varying sizes.
  • Balls: This requires a complete set of 16 balls, consisting of a white cue ball, 7 striped balls, 7 solid balls, and the black 8 ball.
  • Cues: Each player handles cue crafting from materials like wood, carbon fiber, or fiberglass to strike the cue ball.
  • Chalk: Players often apply chalk to the tip of their cues to enhance control and ensure proper contact between the cue and the ball.


At the beginning of the game, pool players need to use a triangular rack to arrange the object balls. The position of the rack’s base is parallel to the end rail, with the apex ball situated at the foot spot. To ensure that the balls are in contact with one another, pool play will press them firmly together toward the apex ball. 

The ball order should be random, except for the 8  ball, which must be in the middle of the rack’s third row, and the two back corner balls, with one being a stripe and the other a solid. The breaker can place the cue ball anywhere behind the head string.


See more: How To Play Pool In Four Steps? (Expert Guide)


In the beginning, one player needs to shoot first by using the cue ball to break apart the object-ball rack. Determining who shoots first can be a coin toss, lag, or winning or losing the previous game or match. Typically, the opponent of the breaker is responsible for racking the balls, although some leagues allow players to break their racks.

Suppose the breaker fails to achieve a successful break, meaning at least four balls hit cushions or pocket an object ball. In that case, the opponent can either continue playing from the current position or request a re-rack and have the breaker repeat the break.

If pool players pocket the 8 ball during the break, the breaker can re-spot the 8 ball and continue playing from the current position or request a re-rack and repeat the gap. However, if players pocket the cue ball during the break, the opponent decides whether to re-spot the 8 ball, shoot with ball-in-hand behind the head string, continue playing from the current position, or request a re-break.


The objective of the 8 ball pool is to legally pocket the 8 ball in a nominated pocket after successfully pocketing all the player’s assigned object balls. If a player achieves this, they win the game. It’s possible to win a game without the opposing player taking a shot by “running the table” or by the opposing player committing a foul that results in the illegal pocketing of the 8 ball (e.g., sinking the 8 ball in an uncalled pocket or knocking it off the table).

However, certain fouls can also result in an automatic loss, such as sinking the 8 ball when a player has not yet cleared their object balls or sinking both the 8 ball and the cue ball in a single shot. The 8 ball rules regarding what happens when pocketing the 8 ball during the break vary depending on the specific rules. Overall, the 8 ball pool is a thrilling and puzzling game requiring skill and luck to win.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the 8 ball Pool Rules?

The rules of the game assign each player in a specific group of balls to pocket. One player with pocketing balls numbered 1 through 7, solid-colored balls, while the other must pocket balls numbered 9 through 15 striped balls.

What Are the Basic Rules Of Pool?

Here are 4 fundamental rules of  8 ball pool that you should know:

  • Place the foremost ball at the foot spot.
  • Put the eight balls in the center of the rack.
  • Position one solid and one striped ball at each back corner.
  • Arrange the remaining balls randomly within the rack.

What Is A Foul In 8 Ball Pool?

In 8 ball rules, specific rules govern how to play the game. If a player misses hitting the 8 ball when attempting to do so, this counts as a foul, but the game continues. However, when the 8 ball is the legal object ball, a scratch or foul doesn’t automatically result in a loss if the 8 ball doesn’t jump off the table.

Related articles: 9 Ball Pool Rules: Latest Update 

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Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

Mask group 5 compress compress

Dave Pearson

Dave Pearson, the world's leading pool entertainer, is renowned globally as the ultimate exhibition player.
Boasting 20 world records endorsed by the prestigious Guinness Book of World Records, Dave established a legendary history in the sport industry.

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